Thursday, March 5, 2009

Another day in this, my new and exciting adventure

Today has been an interesting day for me. I got to go to my kinesthesioligist who opened up my chakras (they get closed down when I get too stressed out).
Yes, I do the alternative healing and wellness maintenance, rather than doing prescription drugs.

I'm really different in a lot of little ways from many other people.

I came out to my kinesthesioligist and to my friends Chris, Andrew and Rachel during the last 7 days. I am coming out to those friends that I feel prompted to. I am being prompted to tell those that I need to. I don't know why, only that it is what God is recommending; I trust him. They have all been very supportive and loved me perhaps even more.

One thing about me, is that I have always worked hard to work past my SSA; As I was always taught that this is the righteous way to do things, according to the LDS church. I am now creating my future history by the day, living in a manner exploring this "dark side" of me. Understand that I no longer consider this to be my dark side. More like my taste for dark meat rather than the light meat (think of turkey or chicken for example).

I do confess that this new adventure that I have set out upon; is exciting, rather like the very first trip that I drove my siblings and I to Utah (from AZ) without our parents. It's as though the evening sky; A grand panoply holding a full moon with surreal light, the stars so majestic and crystal clear; nearly making me weep with joy and hope for that which I've not actually managed to define.

I am a child again, looking to God and seeking guidance to find the treasure that I desire; Though I don't know it, I will recognize it .I am looking forward to finding a marvelous man that will treasure me, myself and I. I have learned that I must simply be able to love and allow myself to be loved. A bit different from all of the rules that I, society, and our church placed on it (such as having to only be married to a woman, etc.)

I have only recently confessed to anyone about this SSA aspect of my personality, and the 1st people that I told were my married friends Ryan and Denise last summer. I actually introduced them to each other (never dreaming they'd get married) back in the early 90's. They are good friends, and they are willing to listen (when their 7 kids aren't needing some of their child rearing skills).

It's been a great day, and I stayed up much to late last night (having fun with friends) as well as much too late tonight creating this blog and chatting with my supportive Brother Levi (He was among the first that I came out to) and my friend Alex.

I've been very blessed today, and I can only thank Heavenly Father for that.

Good night

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